Categoría: Blog

24 Ago 2020
“Better safe than sorry” is a phrase that personally reminds me of my father, who has always provided me with a set of recommendations for many things. However, in several cases these recommendations were not implemented, and consequently, unfortunate events occurred. Although this may often happen to us in our private lives, companies often face...
17 Ago 2020
The Business Income Tax (or IRE, by its acronym in Spanish) was created by Law No. 6380/19 “Of Modernization and Simplification of the National Tax System,” and put into effect through Decree No. 2787/19. The new Tax is in force from 2020 for all taxpayers, with different effective dates according to the time of the...
10 Ago 2020
As a starting point, an “employer” is any person or entity that utilizes the services of one or more workers, in virtue of a labour contract¹. As an employer, there is an extensive list of obligations that you must fulfill to comply with the applicable labour norms. In this article, we will go through the...
03 Ago 2020
“Incoterms®” is a trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) used to designate the set of rules created by the ICC, which is widely recognized as the world’s most prestigious business organization. The first appearance of these rules goes back to 1936, due to the rising necessity of adopting uniform international rules for trade....
13 Jul 2020
Registro de marcas y su importancia para la protección de tu empresa
Every business desires to become renowned and continuously grow. During the technological era, social media advertising and other means which are easily accessible and affordable become effective tools for small, medium and large businesses to gain acknowledgement. Now, for a business to successfully achieve its goal of becoming well-known, having an identifiable trademark¹ is key....
29 Jun 2020
There has been, according to previous UK´s Prime Minister David Cameron[1], the erroneous assumption that people´s behaviour can only be changed through rules and regulations. This is a presumption that many companies have when it comes to controlling the behavior of their employees and inducing that of their clients. There are, however, other regulatory techniques...
18 Jun 2020
Many people will have heard more than one occasion talk about “Multimodal Transport”. Terms such as “logistics operator”, “freight forwarder”, “carrier”, “HBL” among others, emerge in the conversation when multimodal transport is concerned. In order to elucidate what is referred to with Multimodal Transport, let us begin by mentioning that it is the combination of...
04 Jun 2020
In the framework of the health emergency, the Paraguayan Government has issued a series of financial measures with the purpose of collaborating with the current economy. In this sense, the reduction of the monetary policy rate, the changes in the legal reserve and the refinancing and restructuring of loans are some of the measures implemented...
18 Feb 2020
The constant evolution and growth of electronic operations in the national and international context is an undeniable reality. Consequently, there is an imperative necessity to have technical mechanisms that allow for a real identification of the parties that interact in electronic operations, and that grants a reliable accreditation of their manifestation of intention in the...
18 Feb 2020
Arbitration is an ideal dispute resolution mechanism for businesses. This is even more so when these are performed in the international sphere in which legal certainty is an essential factor. Many may question, however, how safe the stage of enforcing an arbitral award is, and how enforceable an award can be considering that it was...